Praying with Scripture
A good way to come to know Jesus, is to pray with His Word. Jesus is Himself the Word of God, and so, when we pray with Scripture, we enter into a privileged space, a place of encounter. As we reflect on what Scripture tells us of Jesus’ Name and mission, it helps our prayer, because it gives us words with which to begin a dialogue with Jesus. Praying with Scripture also deepens the convictions in our heart and we come to a greater appreciation of what Jesus has done for us in obtaining our salvation.
We have chosen a selection of Scripture quotes which speak about the name of God, and in some cases, specifically the name of Jesus. In praying with these quotes realise that God is speaking to you in His Word. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart so that you may truly hear God speak to you. It is preferable to pray these words aloud, so that they may sink deep within you. And pray them with faith, knowing that God is God and is Lord of all.
Scripture Quotations: