In the Name of Jesus – Welcome!
2014 was the Jubilee Year of the Holy Name of Jesus in Ireland. It was organised by the Franciscans and the Poor Clare Federation but it had an outreach that was much wider. The aim of the Year was to foster a renewed reverence and devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus, and in so doing to deepen personal love for the Lord Jesus and faithfulness to His Gospel among all people. A special indulgence was granted by the Holy Father who, in addition, accorded the Year the status of a Jubilee
The Year commemorated the centenary of the renewal in Ireland of devotion to the Holy Name initiated by Franciscan father Francis Donnelly, OFM during a retreat he gave to the Galway Poor Clares in 1914. A Theme Hymn was composed for the Year which is rich in scriptural references to the Holy Name and many events took place during the Year to draw attention to the Name of Jesus and its significance for our spiritual and religious lives. Holy Name plaques were made available through this website, a book called ‘The Simplest Prayer’ was produced by the Franciscans based on the spirituality of the Holy Name of Jesus and many other resources were made available through this website.
Devotion to the Name of Jesus has been a strong element in Franciscan prayer and ministry stretching back to the time of St Francis, but was particularly fostered by St Bernardine of Siena in 15th century.
It is hoped that through personal prayer and reflection, preaching and catechesis, the fruits of the 2014 Jubilee Year will continue into the future and that there will be a new appreciation of the hope that the Holy Name of Jesus represents for our times.